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Cleaning Wipes 101: What They Are, How To Use Them, & Why They Aren’t Enough

Writer's picture: Dave HartingDave Harting

After a long day of work and entertaining the kids, the thought of cleaning up messes in your home is just as exhausting as completing the task itself. It’s tempting to turn to a popular cleaning wipe to wipe up messes and call it a day. Unfortunately, these wipes are not intended to be a complete cleaning solution. In this post we will cover:

  1. The Purpose of Cleaning Wipes

  2. How To Use Cleaning Wipes

  3. Why Cleaning Wipes Fall Short

It’s important to understand what type of cleaning you need in your home in order to properly protect your family from COVID-19. Otherwise, you may accidentally be putting your loved ones in harm’s way.

1. The Purpose of Cleaning Wipes

Popular brands market over the count wipes to kill 99% of germs and keep your house clean. In commercials, a simple swipe removes all of the mess, bacteria, and viruses present on a counter. In reality, cleaning wipes are not meant to be a complete solution. They are meant to help you spot clean and kill bacteria. Your family should be utilizing CDC recommended solutions and following their contact times to fully disinfect your home.

2. How To Use Cleaning Wipes

In order to fully experience the antibacterial properties of these wipes and their solutions, you must first completely clean the surface. A warm, soapy water solution should be used on the surface to fully clean and crumbs or sticky messes. If you use a wipe to do this, it will only clean – not sanitize. This is because the wipe is not designed to clean messes. It is designed to sit on a clean surface for a specified amount of contact time to kill bacteria and other germs.

3. Why Cleaning Wipes Fall Short

These wipes are marketed to be a one-stop shop for keeping your family healthy. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Since many have the idea these wipes are all they need, they are often misused. From wiping up spills to scrubbing stuck on messes, these wipes usually do not see the full two to 10 minutes required to disinfect a surface. Furthermore, most are not antiviral. Bacteria are easier to kill than viruses, so that is what popular brands focus on creating.

Electrostatic Cleaning Keeps Your Family Safe

While cleaning wipes may not be the best solution for you and your family, one cleaning service can eliminate most viruses and bacteria from your home quickly: electrostatic disinfection. This service utilizes the power of ions to allow a specific solution to cling to surfaces. Every square inch is disinfected within minutes. Viruses and bacteria are eliminated in less than fives minutes!

To keep your family safe from COVID-19 in your home, take advantage of our $99 electrostatic disinfection service now. Contact us today to schedule your appointment!

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